Muffler / Silencer Manufacturing SPM

Rolling Machines

Taper roller / cylindrical rolling machines with Two roll rolling technology.

Applications :
  • Muffler Outer Body.
  • Filter Rolling.
  • Submersible Pump Outer Body ETC.

Linear Tig Welding SPM

Suitable For Muffler Outer Body Linear Welding. Cylindrical As Well as Conical Rugged constructed high accuracy with repeatability.

Plug Weld 1

Ac Servo Operated single or multi torch SPM.

Hump Forming

Hydraulically Operated SPM.

Curling Machine Vertical Type

Rugged construction available in two Single component and Two components at time. PLC controlled hydraulically operated.

Curling Machine Horizontal Type

Stay Bracket Linear Weld SPM

Muffler Body to Stay Welding SPM with Two Torch Operation.


Double end drive welding lathe also suitable for Two pipes or flanges welding with angular orientation.

Cover A B Round Welding

Single End With Reference Slides Circular Welding SPM.

Cat Con Tack Weld SPM

Circular Welding SPM.

Cat Con Two Torch Weld SPM

Cat Con Single Torch Weld SPM

Stay Diffuser Stitch Welding SPM

Tilting Positioner.